Early in the 4th Industrial Revolution, technology innovation moved out of big corporate R&D and into the startup ecosystem. Traditional markets have dramatically changed, fueled by VCs, Corporate Venture, Startup Incubators and Accelerators. The ripple effect of these new technologies is pervasive.
For example, how was business done before cell phones and laptop computers? Today, we have all the information not only in the palm of our hand but on our wrist and coming soon to our face. Autonomous vehicles will affect 33 industries, look to see if your business is on this list.
Now is the time to Invent the Future! Look at what’s happening in your market ...
Here are top ten future technology trends that will boom in the upcoming years.
How we Live: Can you picture a daily life in
the future?
How we Work: Technology is changing our job market.
How we Travel: Shaping smarter cities by identify the global challenges that our major cities are facing.
How we stay Healthy: AI Pods bring health checkups to malls and supermarkets.